By: Ashley

New Stimulating Ways to Lower Stress Levels

Finding new stimulating ways to lower stress levels isn’t fun. In fact, it’s kind of scary and uncomfortable. Not being able to sleep at night. Tossing and turning, always tired and exhausted the next day. If you let it get there, stress will affect your mood and health making each day unbearable to get out of bed more days than some. 

Many people have felt exactly how you feel right now. When the stress is so bad you can’t leave the house. To be worry free, you aren’t alone. Others are searching for ways to bring the happy back into their lives as well and here’s how it’s done. 

Mindful meditation

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Mindful meditation focuses on being aware of your senses and feelings in the moment without being judged. Learn how to accept you as you are and be ok with it. Accepting the situation, you are stressed about and understanding that all problems faced will be worked through. Use guided imagery and breathing exercises to channel positive thinking to help reduce stress levels. 


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Seeking a counselor doesn’t have to be embarrassing. Who said you had to tell anyone you were going any way? Seeing a counselor allows you to let things off your chest that you don’t feel comfortable saying to other people. Holding your feelings creates unregulated emotions and a unbalanced immune system making you more susceptible to illness. 

Lay down

Get some rest. There is much health benefits napping at the beach. Let your mind breathe free of worry, unwind, and relax.

Eat your favorite meal 

Have you ever noticed that when you eat your favorite food you do a little dance or get a happy feeling inside? The memory of eating something delicious brings a reoccurring feeling of joy for your favorite comfort food. Shut down stress levels with the little things that make you happy. 

Get Active 

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Seek out a game of golf with your friends or enjoy a swim at the lake or pool. Have a water balloon fight at the park, go bowling, or jump rope. Being active shakes off stresslevels. 

Free Write 

Write down anything that comes to mind. Write what makes you happy, write my makes you sad. Get it out and address it front and center. Figure out on paper what your stressed about. Write an action plan to execute. Write it out plan and address what’s stressing you out one by one. 

Have a positive environment 

Your environment is everything to your way of thinking. Sitting around negative people, you’ll be negative. Surround yourself with those who embrace positivity, take chances, and don’t see no as an option. You too will see it this way as well. You are who you hang around. 

Monitor what you watch and listen to

Listening to negative content will become embedded in your mind. Creating rotten thoughts and leaving you stressed out and toxic. Listening to affirmations and positive feedback on the regular goes a long way. Motivational speakers like OprahLes Brown and Eric Thomas share videos online that will literally change your state of mind after just watching one video. 

Avoid substance abuse 

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Drinking alcohol daily is a sure-fire way to rotten your brain let’s just be real. Drinking contributes to all types of cancers, liver disease, digestive problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Alcohol alters the mind significantly through a rabbit whole of depression and high stress levels due to being drunk and immobile. 

Final Thoughts

Turning to drugs to fight off stress will only worsen your situation. If you can’t drink in moderate use, don’t get started. Take one day at a time. Organize your stress. Address at the top of the list what you are most worried about and work your way down. Running from your problems only make them worse. Learn more ways to prolong health here.

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