By: Ashley

Follow these 6 rules to save your relationship

A relationship with a lover takes more than three words to work. Saying I love you doesn’t mean anything when not physically shown. Relationships take more than time, effort, and commitment. A healthy relationship is one where two people see one another as both their best friend and lover. 

Granted you won’t get a long all the time because no relationship is perfect, but one can always practice ways to love each other better. These 6 ways will save your relationship from ending if you know its worth saving. 


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Communication makes for a healthy relationship. When wanting to understand your partners thoughts and feelings set aside time to communicate what’s bothering both of you in the relationship. Communicate without talking over one another and let each other finish speaking before interrupting.

You feel more comfortable writing it out or sending an email or text but verbally communicating face-to-face lets you see each other’s emotions. Being face-to-face allows you to comfort one another when feeling sad or angry through physical touch. This isn’t possible in text when you can’t physically tell if your partner is upset or not.

Keep it honest

Be honest with each other about what’s bothering you. Don’t be afraid to hold back. If your partner cares about you, they won’t be upset with you voicing your feelings. Being truthful to what’s bothering you in the relationship will save it from ending. 

For example, if it bothers you that your partner drinks heavily every day after work and becomes rude and disrespectful when they drink, tell them. If it bothers you, you don’t go out any more like you use too, tell them.  This way your honesty can help minimize fighting.  Holding your feelings inside will soon boil over cooking for a nasty argument, seeming from suppressed issues.

Respect each other

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No one wants a domestic violence charge. Keep it respectful when disagreeing. Like I said, couples aren’t perfect and may fight. When you do never call each other out of your names or put your hands on each other. If you ever feel so angry that you might result to violence leave the situation immediately and come back and talk when you’ve both cooled off. 

Hear each other speak 

Don’t just let your partner talk, hear what they have to say. Make sense of why they are upset and go over ways to fix the issue. Even if you can’t fix it right away, they’ll still be pleased and impressed that you are eager to listen to ways to make the situation better. 

Show empathy 

When talking in person to your partner show empathy when listening and communicating. You can do this by talking with your arms unfolded, looking your partner in the eyes, or sending non-verbal ques that you understand where they are coming from. 

Having empathy gives the impression that you care about your partner’s feelings. When they communicate their feelings, you show that you are doing more than just hearing them. 


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Forgive you partner of the past. Let the relationship start anew and rid yourself of harboring feelings deceit and betrayal. If you can’t get over the past and constantly argue about previous incidents you won’t get over it later and its best to end the relationship now. 

Final thoughts

Don’t let history determine the fate of the relationship. Really evaluate your relationship and see if it’s worth saving. Make a list of the pros and the cons and be honest with yourself. Time is something we can’t get back. Spend your days happy and worry free with someone who values and respects you.  If you suspect your partner might be cheating read here.

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