By: Ashley

A Blogging Planner for a Successful Blog

A blogging planner helps you stay organized. Keep blogging and content scheduling in order with a planner to keep focused.  Avoid getting lost and stuck working on a bunch of projects at once. Juggling blog post, captions, creating content calendars, running social media and events. These tasks get overwhelming and easy to overlook. This causes you to fall behind in making a name for yourself online. If you’re a one-person army a blogging planner will make your life a heck of a lot easier. 

Planning and curating content last minute is always a flip flop. What you post, how you say it and how you display it matters. Schedule time to dedicate and creative captivating post to get a buzz from your content. You’ll create a buzz when you have a solid schedule within your blogging planner to help you never skip a beat. 

Keep track of responsibilities 

Writing things down you are highly more likely to complete the task. Have visibility of seeing what needs to get done will make you get your task done quickly. Avoid being stuck wondering what’s going on by writing your task out in your planner. Checkup upcoming task instantly in an organized planner. 

Focus on Important task 

Photo Cred: Canva 2021

Your planner is used to highlight important task. Write down important issues or task that must get done on specifics days and specific times. When you forget to prioritize it’s easy to forget task that are a priority. 

Increase Productivity 

Your planner will increase your productivity. Increase your productivity keeping a list of tasks that need completion. When you think of task a to do at the last minute it’s easier to forget a task or two when you don’t have your list in front of you.

Feeling of accomplishment 

Knowing what you need to do for the day gives your day something to look forward to. Get a rewarding feeling knowing you completed task on your list when the day is done. 

Keep data safe 

Keep your information safe in your planner. When working on multiple projects it’s easy to jot down data on random sheets of paper then have loose paperwork spread all over your workspace. Keep data all in one place in the note section of your daily planner. 

Track time spent

Photo Cred: Canva 2021

Use your planner to keep a timeline of projects you are working on. Know how long it takes to complete certain task, so you know what projects you complete faster and what projects take more time for future reference. 

Relieve Stress

Get rid of stress when staying organized. Running a blog can be confusing and draining when you’re running around in circles without a game plan. Relieve stress with your blogging planner to keep your momentum going. 

View weekly targets 

Photo Cred: Canva 2021

Stay informed on weekly targets to elevate progress with your blogger. This can be having a game plan for new subscribers, ideas for newsletters, giveaways, and blog post reach. 

Manage recurring task quickly

Spot task that needs your attention daily. Task that will need your attention daily when blogging is curating blog post and creating content and pictures for these blog post. Set designated days you want to set aside to create content. And set days and times you want that content to go out. 

Highlight overdue task 

Easily spot task that need attention. Complete the task and continue to mark it done once completed.

The blogging planner I use for my blog is located here. Get instant access by downloading this digital blogging planner for increased success and productivity. 

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